Title: | Coupled Chain Radiative Transfer Models |
Description: | A set of radiative transfer models to quantitatively describe the absorption, reflectance and transmission of solar energy in vegetation, and model remotely sensed spectral signatures of vegetation at distinct spatial scales (leaf,canopy and stand). The main principle behind ccrtm is that many radiative transfer models can form a coupled chain, basically models that feed into each other in a linked chain (from leaf, to canopy, to stand, to atmosphere). It allows the simulation of spectral datasets in the solar spectrum (400-2500nm) using leaf models as PROSPECT5, 5b, and D which can be coupled with canopy models as 'FLIM', 'SAIL','SAIL2' and 'INFORM' for top of canopy reflectance, and with atmospheric models such as 'SKYL'and 'SMAC' for calculation of top of the atmosphere reflectance. All models can run in forward mode, and a selection are invertable (backward simulations) if provided with spectral data. Jacquemoud et al 2008 provides a comprehensive overview of these and other models <doi:10.1016/j.rse.2008.01.026>. |
Authors: | Marco D. Visser [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Marco D. Visser <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 0.4.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-12 09:40:09 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/marcodvisser/ccrtm |
Backward implementation (inversion) of coupled Radiative Transfer Models.
bRTM(fm = rho ~ prospect5, data = NULL)
bRTM(fm = rho ~ prospect5, data = NULL)
fm |
A formula specifying which rtm to run (see details). |
data |
(measured) reflectance spectra. Expected are reflectance values between 0 and 1 for wavelength between 400 and 2400 at 1 nm steps. The range 400 to 2400 is based on the largest common range in most leaf spectral datasets - and hence is a range that can be generated by most spectrometers. |
Formula: In general the form of the formula specifies the both the model and the data supplied (transmittance or reflectance), however, currently only reflectance data is expected (transmission not included yet).
Models: At current the following radiative transfer models are implemented for backward / inversion mode
Example of a formula | Model |
rho ~ prospect5 | prospect5 |
rho ~ prospectd | prospectd |
Inversion is rapid, and based on emulation of prospect models by a multivariate neural net (MANN) and a partial least squares regression (PLSR) model. The two methods are selected as the performance of NN or PLSR differ for each inverted parameter - with one method outperforming the other depending on the parameter. The predictions are then combined using a linear Bayesian mixing model that weights the NN and PLSR prediction for each parameter - and includes an estimate of model inversion uncertainty.
Model inversion uncertainty estimates the 95% credible intervals under which the parameter will fall compared to a perfect inversion. Model inversion uncertainty arises due to parameter identifiability issues, and does not reflect the uncertainty in the data. Uncertainty in the data should be estimated with replicate measurements and standard statistical methods (not implemented).
Questions and requests can be made on the ccrtm github page.
a list of inverted parameters and their 95% CI
## get reflectance for a single leaf on simulated spectra ## make a parameter list parameters<-list(prospectd=c(N=3,Cab=40,Car=15,Cw=0.01,Cm=0.025,Canth=26,Cbrown=4)) ## simulate spectra at the inversion requirements ref <- fRTM(rho~prospectd,pars=parameters,wl=400:2400) ## reorder with replicates measurements over rows, and make into matrix refdata<-t(as.matrix(ref)) fit<-bRTM(rho~prospectd,data=refdata) summary(fit) ## compare fit with simulation on log-scale so all parameter are visible plot(parameters$prospectd,fit$mu,xlab="expected",ylab="inverted",pch=16,log="xy") ## add uncertainty segments(parameters$prospectd,fit$lower.ci, parameters$prospectd,fit$upper.ci,lwd=2) ## 1 to 1 line abline(0,1) ## Inversion for multiple leaf spectra ## using lower-level vectorized prospect function set.seed(1234) ## we simulate all spectra at once nsim<-300 ## number of leaves ## random leaf parameters parmat<-cbind(N=runif(nsim,1,6), Cab=runif(nsim,5,80), Car=runif(nsim,1,40), Cw=runif(nsim,0.001,.02), Cm=runif(nsim,0.002,0.03)+0.01, Canth=runif(nsim,0,6), Cbrown=runif(nsim,0,4) ) ## simulate with the lower level prospect for rapid simulation ## of many leaves ref<-ccrtm:::.prospectdv(parmat)[[1]][,1:2001] ## subset to 400:2400 wl ## invert the simulations fit<-bRTM(rho~prospectd,data=ref) summary(fit) ## check inversion performace for LMA plot(parmat[,"Cm"],fit$mu[,"Cm"],xlab="expected",ylab="inverted",pch=16) ## add uncertainty segments(parmat[,"Cm"],fit$lower.ci[,"Cm"], parmat[,"Cm"],fit$upper.ci[,"Cm"],lwd=2) abline(0,1) ## replace the simulated ref with measured reflectance over wavelengths 400:2400 ## to invert for spectrometer data
## get reflectance for a single leaf on simulated spectra ## make a parameter list parameters<-list(prospectd=c(N=3,Cab=40,Car=15,Cw=0.01,Cm=0.025,Canth=26,Cbrown=4)) ## simulate spectra at the inversion requirements ref <- fRTM(rho~prospectd,pars=parameters,wl=400:2400) ## reorder with replicates measurements over rows, and make into matrix refdata<-t(as.matrix(ref)) fit<-bRTM(rho~prospectd,data=refdata) summary(fit) ## compare fit with simulation on log-scale so all parameter are visible plot(parameters$prospectd,fit$mu,xlab="expected",ylab="inverted",pch=16,log="xy") ## add uncertainty segments(parameters$prospectd,fit$lower.ci, parameters$prospectd,fit$upper.ci,lwd=2) ## 1 to 1 line abline(0,1) ## Inversion for multiple leaf spectra ## using lower-level vectorized prospect function set.seed(1234) ## we simulate all spectra at once nsim<-300 ## number of leaves ## random leaf parameters parmat<-cbind(N=runif(nsim,1,6), Cab=runif(nsim,5,80), Car=runif(nsim,1,40), Cw=runif(nsim,0.001,.02), Cm=runif(nsim,0.002,0.03)+0.01, Canth=runif(nsim,0,6), Cbrown=runif(nsim,0,4) ) ## simulate with the lower level prospect for rapid simulation ## of many leaves ref<-ccrtm:::.prospectdv(parmat)[[1]][,1:2001] ## subset to 400:2400 wl ## invert the simulations fit<-bRTM(rho~prospectd,data=ref) summary(fit) ## check inversion performace for LMA plot(parmat[,"Cm"],fit$mu[,"Cm"],xlab="expected",ylab="inverted",pch=16) ## add uncertainty segments(parmat[,"Cm"],fit$lower.ci[,"Cm"], parmat[,"Cm"],fit$upper.ci[,"Cm"],lwd=2) abline(0,1) ## replace the simulated ref with measured reflectance over wavelengths 400:2400 ## to invert for spectrometer data
Leaf inclination distribution function Ellipsoidal distribution function
cambell(ala, tx1, tx2)
cambell(ala, tx1, tx2)
ala |
average leaf angle parameter |
tx1 |
angle in degree |
tx2 |
angle in degree |
angle fraction value
A collection of radiative transfer models that can form a coupled chain to model radiative transfer across multiple spatial scales from leaf to canopy to stand.
Currently implemented models that can be coupled:
1 = PROSPECT 5, 5B and D
3 = FLIM
Currently being tested / or to be implemented models
*available as lower-level library (see ccrtm github page).
To generate model prediction the typical approach is to use the fRTM function and apply a formula that specifies the both the expected output (left hand) and the different models you would like to couple to generate the output (right hand).
At current the following radiative transfer models, and corresponding formula, are given in the next table
Example of a formula | Model |
rho ~ prospect5 | prospect5 |
rho ~ prospectd | prospectd |
rho ~ prospect5 + foursail | PROSAIL |
rho ~ prospect5 + foursail | PROSAIL |
rho ~ prospectd + foursail2 | PROSAIL |
rho ~ prospectd + prospect5 + foursail2 | PROSAIL2 |
rho ~ prospectd + foursail2b | PROSAIL2b |
rho ~ prospectd + foursail + flim + sky | INFORM* |
rho ~ prospectd + foursail + flim | INFORM* |
*INFORM is currently restricted to a lower-level function only. See the cctrm github readme page on how to use it.
In the above examples, prospectd can be replaced with prospect5
or vice versa - if so desired.
Also, note that the formula "rho ~ prospectd + foursail2" is the same as "rho ~ prospectd + prospectd + foursail2" and both expect a names list of 3 parameter vectors.
See the help files for details on each right hand component. For instance, ?foursail provides more elaboration on the 4SAIL model and gives an example for lower-level implementations of each component model. See also ?flim, ?foursail2, ?foursail2b, ?prospect5, and ?prospectd.
Tranmission can also be returned if specified in the left-hand component of the formula:
Formula | Model |
rho + tau ~ prospect5 | prospect5 |
rho + tau ~ prospectd + foursail | 4SAIL |
The examples above indicate that the users wishes to predict transmission next to reflectance. More specifically, The first returns leaf reflectance and transmission while the second returns 4 components of canopy reflectance and canopy transmission in the solar and viewing direction.
In contrast to some FORTRAN and MATLAB implementation, the sky light model is not implemented by default in ccrtm. This is because it is not a standard component of 4SAIL. In addition, this would affect limit the application of other more realistic atmospheric models. You can apply it by using ?skyl on model output obtained from fRTM (see example in ?skyl). The sky light model is implemented for the INFORM model as per March 2022.
Parameters are given as input to fRTM as a named list. See ?getDefaults for examples on how to structure parameters. Individual models can consulted on each parameter (e.g. see ?foursail2b or ?prospect5).
Canopy models such as foursail use leaf inclination models. In cctrm four inclination models are implemented. see ?lidf for more details.
Marco D. Visser
Leaf inclination distribution function cummulative lagden function from Wout Verhoef's dissertation Extended here for any angle
cdcum(a, b, theta)
cdcum(a, b, theta)
a |
parameter |
b |
parameter |
theta |
angle in degrees |
angle fraction value
Function to check and return parameters
checkPars(pars, fm, ordN)
checkPars(pars, fm, ordN)
see http://teledetection.ipgp.jussieu.fr/prosail/ for more details on the data.
data_prospect5 (february, 25th 2008) The dataset contains the following labels (columns):
1 = wavelength (nm)
2 = refractive index of leaf material ( or the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in "leaf medium").
3 = specific absorption coefficient of chlorophyll (a+b) (cm2.microg-1)
4 = specific absorption coefficient of carotenoids (cm2.microg-1)
5 = specific absorption coefficient of brown pigments (arbitrary units)
6 = specific absorption coefficient of water (cm-1)
7 = specific absorption coefficient of dry matter (g.cm-1)
8 = direct light
9 = diffuse light
10 = dry soil
11 = wet soil
Feret et al. (2008), PROSPECT-4 and 5: Advances in the Leaf Optical Properties Model Separating Photosynthetic Pigments, Remote Sensing of Environment
see http://teledetection.ipgp.jussieu.fr/prosail/ for more details on the data.
data_prospect5 (february, 25th 2008) The dataset contains the following labels (columns):
1 = wavelength (nm)
2 = refractive index of leaf material ( or the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in "leaf medium").
3 = specific absorption coefficient of chlorophyll (a+b) (cm2.microg-1)
4 = specific absorption coefficient of carotenoids (cm2.microg-1)
5 = specific absorption coefficient of brown pigments (arbitrary units)
6 = specific absorption coefficient of water (cm-1)
7 = specific absorption coefficient of dry matter (g.cm-1)
8 = direct light
9 = diffuse light
10 = dry soil
11 = wet soil
Feret et al. (2008), PROSPECT-4 and 5: Advances in the Leaf Optical Properties Model Separating Photosynthetic Pigments, Remote Sensing of Environment
d = stand density (d) cd = crown diameter (cd) h = mean crown height (h) lai = leaf area index (lai) alpha = light extinction coefficient (alpha) tts = Solar zenith angle (tts) tto = Observer zenith angle (tto) psi = Sun-sensor azimuth angle (psi)
## S3 method for class 'flim' defaults(x, simple = TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'flim' defaults(x, simple = TRUE)
data reduction used on simulated data from PROSPECT5 (for NN and PLSR)
data reduction used on simulated data from PROSPECTD (for NN and PLSR)
The FLIM model was first described by Rosema et al (1992). In FLIM forests are assumed a discontinous mix of tree crowns and gaps. Reflectance is modelled in terms of the probabilty to observe either a gap (background) or a tree crown. Both gaps and crowns may be shaded.
flim(Rc, Rg, To = NULL, Ts = NULL, params)
flim(Rc, Rg, To = NULL, Ts = NULL, params)
Rc |
Canopy reflectance at infinite depth |
Rg |
soil/background reflectance |
To |
transmission in viewing direction |
Ts |
transmission in sun direction |
params |
a named vector of parameters:
area |
area of stand (m2) |
(1) Parameters are confounded (d & cd), confounded parameters pairs cannot be inversely estimated, one of the pairs should be set to 1 - or given explicitly. (2) required if T0, Ts are not given.
a list with reflectance, and the fractions of shaded and sunexplosed crowns, shaded and sun exposed open space.
Rosema, A., Verhoef, W., Noorbergen, H., Borgesius, J.J. (1992). A new forest light interaction model in support of forest monitoring. Remote Sens. Environ. 42, 23-41.
parvec<- c(alpha = 0.5,lai=5,cd=15,h=30,d=10,tto=10,tts=20,psi=30) flim(0.1,0.1,params=parvec)
parvec<- c(alpha = 0.5,lai=5,cd=15,h=30,d=10,tto=10,tts=20,psi=30) flim(0.1,0.1,params=parvec)
The foursail (or 4SAIL) radiative transfer model is commonly used to simulate bidirectional reflectance distribution functions within vegetation canopies. Foursail (4SAIL) refers to "Scattering by Arbitrary Inclined Leaves" in a 4-stream model. The four-streams represents the scattering and absorption of upward, downward and two directional radiative fluxes with four linear differential equations in a 1-D canopy. The model was initially developed by Verhoef (1984), who extended work by Suits (1971) 4-steam model.
foursail(rho, tau, bgr, param)
foursail(rho, tau, bgr, param)
rho |
input leaf reflectance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
tau |
input leaf transmittance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
bgr |
background reflectance. Usual input is soil reflectance spectra from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
param |
A named vector of SAIL parameter values (note: program ignores case):
spectra matrixwith 4 reflectance factors and canopy transmission for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
1 = bi-hemispherical reflectance (rddt). White-sky albedo: the reflectance of the canopy under diffuse illumination. The BRDF integrated over all viewing and illumination directions.
2 = hemispherical directional reflectance (rsdt). Black-sky albedo: reflectance of a surface under direct light without a diffuse component. It is the integral of the BRDF over all viewing directions.
3 = directional hemispherical reflectance (rdot). Diffuse reflectance in the vieweing direction.
4 = bi-directional reflectance (rsot). The ratio of reflected radiance in the viewing direction to the incoming radiant flux in the solar direction.
5 = Canopy transmission of diffuse light through the canopy (taud).
6 = transmission of direct light through the canopy in the solar direction (taus).
7 = transmission of direct light through the canopy in the sensor/viewing direction (tauo).
Suits, G.H., 1971. The calculation of the directional reflectance of a vegetative canopy. Remote Sens. Environ. 2, 117-125.
Verhoef, W. (1984). Light scattering by leaf layers with application to canopy reflectance modeling: The SAIL model. Remote Sens. Environ. 16, 125-141.
## lower-level implementation example ## see ?fRTM for the typical mode of simulation ## e.g. fRTM(rho~prospectd+foursail) ## 1) get parameters params<-getDefaults("foursail") ## getDefaults(rho~prospectd+foursail) will also work pars<-params$foursail ## ensure the vector is named names(pars) <- names(params$foursail) ## 2) get leaf reflectance and transmission rt<-fRTM(rho+tau~prospectd) ## 3) get soil reflectance to model background reflectance data(soil) ## a linear mixture soil model bgRef<- pars["psoil"]*soil[,"drySoil"] + (1-pars["psoil"])*soil[,"wetSoil"] ## 4) run 4SAIL result<-foursail(rt[,"rho"],rt[,"tau"],bgRef,pars) head(result)
## lower-level implementation example ## see ?fRTM for the typical mode of simulation ## e.g. fRTM(rho~prospectd+foursail) ## 1) get parameters params<-getDefaults("foursail") ## getDefaults(rho~prospectd+foursail) will also work pars<-params$foursail ## ensure the vector is named names(pars) <- names(params$foursail) ## 2) get leaf reflectance and transmission rt<-fRTM(rho+tau~prospectd) ## 3) get soil reflectance to model background reflectance data(soil) ## a linear mixture soil model bgRef<- pars["psoil"]*soil[,"drySoil"] + (1-pars["psoil"])*soil[,"wetSoil"] ## 4) run 4SAIL result<-foursail(rt[,"rho"],rt[,"tau"],bgRef,pars) head(result)
The foursail2 model is a two layer implementation of the foursail model described in Verhoef and Bach (2007). Layers are assumed identical in particle inclination and hotspot, but may differ in the relative density and types of particles (see foursail2b for a layer specific inclination angle). In comparison to foursail, the background (soil), can now be non-Lambertain, having it own 4-stream BDRF (not implemented here but may be input by the user). There are two types of particles, generalized to primary and secondary (originally termed "green" and "brown" particles). The realtive abundance of the secondary particle in the top canopy is regulated by the dissociation paramerter.The model 4SAIL2 combines with prospect, libery or procosine for the reflectance and transmittance of the particles, and with the the foursail or Hapke elements for the background reflectance. If run alone, these require direct inputs which could be measured leaf reflectance.
foursail2( rhoA, tauA, rhoB = NULL, tauB = NULL, bgr, rsobgr = NULL, rdobgr = NULL, rsdbgr = NULL, rddbgr = NULL, param )
foursail2( rhoA, tauA, rhoB = NULL, tauB = NULL, bgr, rsobgr = NULL, rdobgr = NULL, rsdbgr = NULL, rddbgr = NULL, param )
rhoA |
primary particle reflectance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
tauA |
primary particle transmittance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
rhoB |
secondary particle reflectance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
tauB |
secondary particle reflectance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
bgr |
background reflectance. Usual input is soil reflectance spectra from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
rsobgr |
: background bidirectional reflectance (rso) |
rdobgr |
: background directional hemispherical reflectance (rdo) |
rsdbgr |
: background hemispherical directional reflectance (rsd) |
rddbgr |
: background bi-hemispherical diffuse reflectance (rdd) |
param |
A named vector of 4SAIL2 parameter values (note: program ignores case):
spectra matrixwith 4 reflectance factors and canopy transmission for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
1 = bi-hemispherical reflectance (rddt). White-sky albedo: the reflectance of the canopy under diffuse illumination. The BRDF integrated over all viewing and illumination directions. Diffuse reflectance for diffuse incidence.
2 = hemispherical directional reflectance (rsdt). Black-sky albedpo: reflectance of a surface under direct light without a diffuse component. It is the integral of the BRDF over all viewing directions. Diffuse reflectance for direct solar incidence.
3 = directional hemispherical reflectance (rdot). Diffuse reflectance in the vieweing direction.
4 = bi-directional reflectance (rsot). The ratio of reflected radiance in the viewing direction to the incoming radiant flux in the solar direction.
Verhoef, W., Bach, H. (2007). Coupled soil-leaf-canopy and atmosphere radiative transfer modeling to simulate hyperspectral multi-angular surface reflectance and TOA radiance data. Remote Sens. Environ. 109, 166-182.
## see ?foursail for lower-level implementations fRTM(rho~prospect5+foursail2)
## see ?foursail for lower-level implementations fRTM(rho~prospect5+foursail2)
The foursail2b model is a two layer implementation of the foursail model described in Zhang et al (2005). Layers are assumed identical in hotspot, but may differ in the relative density, inclination and types of particles. In comparison to foursail, the background (soil), can now be non-Lambertain, having it own 4-stream BDRF (not implemented here but may be input by the user). There are two types of particles, generalized to primary and secondary (originally termed "green" and "brown" particles). The realtive abundance of the secondary particle in the top canopy is regulated by the dissociation paramerter. The model 4SAIL2 combines with prospect, libery or procosine for the reflectance and transmittance of the particles, and with the the foursail or Hapke elements for the background reflectance. If run alone, these require direct inputs which could be measured leaf reflectance.
foursail2b( rhoA, tauA, rhoB = NULL, tauB = NULL, bgr, rsobgr = NULL, rdobgr = NULL, rsdbgr = NULL, rddbgr = NULL, param )
foursail2b( rhoA, tauA, rhoB = NULL, tauB = NULL, bgr, rsobgr = NULL, rdobgr = NULL, rsdbgr = NULL, rddbgr = NULL, param )
rhoA |
primary particle reflectance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
tauA |
primary particle transmittance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
rhoB |
secondary particle reflectance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
tauB |
secondary particle reflectance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
bgr |
background reflectance. Usual input is soil reflectance spectra from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
rsobgr |
: background bidirectional reflectance (rso) |
rdobgr |
: background directional hemispherical reflectance (rdo) |
rsdbgr |
: background hemispherical directional reflectance (rsd) |
rddbgr |
: background bi-hemispherical diffuse reflectance (rdd) |
param |
A named vector of 4SAIL2 parameter values (note: program ignores case):
Leaf inclination angles: leaf angles in 4SAIL2b are set for each layer and only the Cambell leaf angle distribution model is allowed. This means that each layer has a single parameter that defines leaf angles.
spectra matrixwith 4 reflectance factors and canopy transmission for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
1 = bi-hemispherical reflectance (rddt). White-sky albedo: the reflectance of the canopy under diffuse illumination. The BRDF integrated over all viewing and illumination directions. Diffuse reflectance for diffuse incidence.
2 = hemispherical directional reflectance (rsdt). Black-sky albedpo: reflectance of a surface under direct light without a diffuse component. It is the integral of the BRDF over all viewing directions. Diffuse reflectance for direct solar incidence.
3 = directional hemispherical reflectance (rdot). Diffuse reflectance in the vieweing direction.
4 = bi-directional reflectance (rsot). The ratio of reflected radiance in the viewing direction to the incoming radiant flux in the solar direction.
Zhang, Q., Xiao, X., Braswell, B., Linder, E., Baret, F., Moore, B. (2005). Estimating light absorption by chlorophyll, leaf and canopy in a deciduous broadleaf forest using MODIS data and a radiative transfer model. Remote Sens. Environ. 99, 357-371.
## see ?foursail for lower-level implementations fRTM(rho~prospectd+foursail2b)
## see ?foursail for lower-level implementations fRTM(rho~prospectd+foursail2b)
Forward implementation of coupled Radiative Transfer Models.
fRTM(fm = rho + tau ~ prospect5 + foursail, pars = NULL, wl = 400:2500)
fRTM(fm = rho + tau ~ prospect5 + foursail, pars = NULL, wl = 400:2500)
fm |
A formula specifying which rtm to run (see details). |
pars |
a named list of named parameter vectors for all models. The parameter list for a model call as rho ~ prospect + foursail, therefore, contains two vectors: the first with parameters for prospect and the second with parameters for foursail. See ?getDefaults for an example of a parameter list. If left empty default parameters are generated. |
wl |
wavelengths (in nm) add only if certain wavelengths are required as output. Input is expected to integers between 400 and 2500, or will be forced to be an integer. Integers outside the 400:2500 range will not be returned. |
Formula: In general the form of the formula specifies the both the expected output (left hand) and the different models you would like to couple to generate the output (right hand).
Models: At current the following radiative transfer models are implemented
Example of a formula | Model |
rho ~ prospect5 | prospect5 |
rho ~ prospectd | prospectd |
rho ~ prospect5 + foursail | PROSAIL |
rho ~ prospect5 + foursail | PROSAIL |
rho ~ prospectd + foursail2 | PROSAIL |
rho ~ prospectd + prospect5 + foursail2 | PROSAIL2* |
rho ~ prospectd + foursail2b | PROSAIL2b* |
rho ~ prospectd + foursail + flim + sky | INFORM** |
rho ~ prospectd + foursail + flim | INFORM** |
Note that the formula "rho ~ prospectd + foursail2" is the same as "rho ~ prospectd + prospectd + foursail2" and both expect a names list of 3 parameter vectors (leaf type 1, leaf type 2, and the canopy parameters).
** INFORM is currently restricted to a lower-level function only. See the cctrm github readme page on how to use it.
In the above examples with additive components, prospectd can be replaced with prospect5 - or vice versa - if so desired. See the help files for details on each right hand component. For instance, ?foursail provides more elaboration on the 4SAIL model and gives an example for lower-level implementations of each component model.
Tranmission can also be returned if specified in the left-hand component of the formula:
Formula | Model |
rho + tau ~ prospect5 | prospect5 |
rho + tau ~ prospectd + foursail | 4SAIL |
The examples above indicate that the users wishes to predict transmission next to reflectance. More specifically, The first returns leaf reflectance and transmission while the second returns 4 components of canopy reflectance and canopy transmission in the solar and viewing direction.
More details are given in ?cctrm.
Questions and requests can be made on the ccrtm github page.
spectra matrix with reflectance (and transmission, depending on the formula inputs). See seperate model helpfiles for details.
## setup graphics for plots oldpar<-par() par(mfrow=c(3,2)) ## get reflectance for a leaf ref <- fRTM(rho~prospect5) plot(ref,main="Prospect 5") ## get reflectance and transmission for a leaf reftrans <- fRTM(rho+tau~prospect5) plot(reftrans,main="Prospect 5") ## get reflectance for a single layered canopy ref <- fRTM(rho~prospect5+foursail) plot(ref,main="Prospect 5 + 4SAIL") ## get reflectance for a 2 layered canopy with two leaf types ref <- fRTM(rho~prospectd+prospect5+foursail2) plot(ref,main="Prospect D + Prospect 5 + 4SAIL2") ## edit the parameters: sparse vegetation LAI parlist <- getDefaults(rho~prospectd+prospect5+foursail2) parlist$foursail2["LAI"] <- 0.05 ## update reflectance ref <- fRTM(rho~prospect5+prospectd+foursail2,parlist) plot(ref,main="LAI=0.05") ## change leaf area index to dense vegetation parlist$foursail2["LAI"]<-8.5 ## update reflectance ref <- fRTM(rho~prospect5+prospectd+foursail2,parlist) plot(ref,main="LAI=8.5") par(oldpar)
## setup graphics for plots oldpar<-par() par(mfrow=c(3,2)) ## get reflectance for a leaf ref <- fRTM(rho~prospect5) plot(ref,main="Prospect 5") ## get reflectance and transmission for a leaf reftrans <- fRTM(rho+tau~prospect5) plot(reftrans,main="Prospect 5") ## get reflectance for a single layered canopy ref <- fRTM(rho~prospect5+foursail) plot(ref,main="Prospect 5 + 4SAIL") ## get reflectance for a 2 layered canopy with two leaf types ref <- fRTM(rho~prospectd+prospect5+foursail2) plot(ref,main="Prospect D + Prospect 5 + 4SAIL2") ## edit the parameters: sparse vegetation LAI parlist <- getDefaults(rho~prospectd+prospect5+foursail2) parlist$foursail2["LAI"] <- 0.05 ## update reflectance ref <- fRTM(rho~prospect5+prospectd+foursail2,parlist) plot(ref,main="LAI=0.05") ## change leaf area index to dense vegetation parlist$foursail2["LAI"]<-8.5 ## update reflectance ref <- fRTM(rho~prospect5+prospectd+foursail2,parlist) plot(ref,main="LAI=8.5") par(oldpar)
S3- methods for Generate defaults settings and parameters for all supported models. See ?ccrtm for details.
getDefaults(model = NULL, ...)
getDefaults(model = NULL, ...)
model |
a ccrtm formula (rho ~ prospectd) or character vector of modelnames (e.g. "prospect5") |
... |
not used. |
a data.frame with default model parameters
List of aliases: prospect5, prospectd
pars |
the required parameters (vector or list), and newdata |
modReq |
model request object built in bRTM |
prediction from the requested model
Kullback-Lieber divergence function D(spec1 || spec2) = sum(spec1 * log(spec1 / spec2))
KLd(spec1, spec2)
KLd(spec1, spec2)
spec1 |
spectral signal 1 |
spec2 |
spectral signal 2 at identical wavelengths |
the KL divergence between the vector inputs
Leaf inclination distribution function models s3 method for calling leaf models.
pars |
a parameter vector c(angles, LIDFa, LIDFb) with a class lidf.modelnumber. Models include:
Models 1 and 2 are the standard models from the SAIL model. Two parameter models use parameters LIDFa and LIDFb, while single parameter models use only LIDFa (ignoring any supplied LIDFb). More information on the Dlagden and Ellipsoid parameter is given in Verhoef, W. (1998),theory of radiative transfer models applied in optical remote sensing of vegetation canopies (PhD thesis). The beta distribution is the typical beta distribution as often implemented (as in dbeta(x,LIDFa, LIDFb)). Where x is a value between 0 and 90, that gives the angular density over 0 and 90 degrees (rescaled to 0 and 1). The one parameter beta distribution is given by LIDFa*x^(LIDFa-1). Where x is a value between 0 and 90, that given the angular density over 0 and 90 degrees (rescaled to 0 and 1). |
a vector of proportions for each leaf angle calculated from each leaf inclination model.
Weight coefficients for neural network and plsr predictions .
Weight coefficients for neural network and plsr predictions .
Weight matrices for a fit neural network on simulated data from PROSPECT5.
Weight matrices for a fit neural network on simulated data from PROSPECTD.
Plot RTM return spectra vs. wavelength
## S3 method for class 'rtm.spectra' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rtm.spectra' plot(x, ...)
x |
predictions from an RTM |
... |
additional plot arguments |
plots to the device a ccrtm standard spectra plot based on the function call returned from fRTM.
A partial least squares model fit on simulated data from PROSPECT5.
A partial least squares model fit on simulated data from PROSPECTD.
RTM inversion
## S3 method for class 'rtm.inversion' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rtm.inversion' print(x, ...)
x |
predictions from an RTM |
... |
additional plot arguments |
prints the inverted parameters
RTM generic print function
## S3 method for class 'rtm.spectra' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rtm.spectra' print(x, ...)
x |
predictions from an RTM |
... |
additional plot arguments |
prints the standard information from a simulated ccrtm spectra plot
The PROSPECT5(b) leaf reflectance model. The model was implemented based on Jacquemoud and Ustin (2019), and is further described in detail in Feret et al (2008). PROSPECT models use the plate models developed in Allen (1969) and Stokes (1862). Set Cbrown to 0 for prospect version 5.
param |
A named vector of PROSPECT parameters (note: program ignores case):
spectra matrix with leaf reflectance and transmission for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
1 = leaf reflectance (rho)
2 = leaf transmission (tau)
Jacquemoud, S., and Ustin, S. (2019). Leaf optical properties. Cambridge University Press.
Feret, J.B., Francois, C., Asner, G.P., Gitelson, A.A., Martin, R.E., Bidel, L.P.R., Ustin, S.L., le Maire, G., Jacquemoud, S. (2008), PROSPECT-4 and 5: Advances in the leaf optical properties model separating photosynthetic pigments. Remote Sens. Environ. 112, 3030-3043.
Allen W.A., Gausman H.W., Richardson A.J., Thomas J.R. (1969), Interaction of isotropic ligth with a compact plant leaf, Journal of the Optical Society of American, 59:1376-1379.
Stokes G.G. (1862), On the intensity of the light reflected from or transmitted through a pile of plates, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 11:545-556.
## see ?fRTM for the typical mode of simulation ## e.g. fRTM(rho~prospect5) ## 1) get parameters defaultpars<-getDefaults(rho~prospect5) ## getDefaults("prospect5") will also work ## 2) get leaf reflectance and transmission rt<-fRTM(rho+tau~prospect5,defaultpars) ## lower-level implementation example ## Alternatively implement directly mypars<-c("N"=1,"Cab"=35,"Car"=20,"Cbrown"=3,"Cw"=0.01,"Cm"=0.01) prospect5(mypars)
## see ?fRTM for the typical mode of simulation ## e.g. fRTM(rho~prospect5) ## 1) get parameters defaultpars<-getDefaults(rho~prospect5) ## getDefaults("prospect5") will also work ## 2) get leaf reflectance and transmission rt<-fRTM(rho+tau~prospect5,defaultpars) ## lower-level implementation example ## Alternatively implement directly mypars<-c("N"=1,"Cab"=35,"Car"=20,"Cbrown"=3,"Cw"=0.01,"Cm"=0.01) prospect5(mypars)
The PROSPECTD leaf reflectance model. The model was implemented based on Jacquemoud and Ustin (2019), and is further described in detail in Feret et al (2017). PROSPECT models use the plate models developed in Allen (1969) and Stokes (1862).
param |
A named vector of PROSPECT parameters (note: program ignores case):
spectra matrix with leaf reflectance and transmission for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
1 = leaf reflectance (rho)
2 = leaf transmission (tau)
Jacquemoud, S., and Ustin, S. (2019). Leaf optical properties. Cambridge University Press.
Feret, J.B., Gitelson, A.A., Noble, S.D., Jacquemoud, S. (2017). PROSPECT-D: Towards modeling leaf optical properties through a complete lifecycle. Remote Sens. Environ. 193, 204-215.
Allen W.A., Gausman H.W., Richardson A.J., Thomas J.R. (1969), Interaction of isotropic ligth with a compact plant leaf, Journal of the Optical Society of American, 59:1376-1379.
Stokes G.G. (1862), On the intensity of the light reflected from or transmitted through a pile of plates, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 11:545-556.
## see ?fRTM for the typical mode of simulation ## e.g. fRTM(rho~prospectd) ## 1) get parameters defaultpars<-getDefaults(rho~prospectd) ## getDefaults("prospectd") will also work ## 2) get leaf reflectance and transmission rt<-fRTM(rho+tau~prospectd,defaultpars) ## lower-level implementation example ## Alternatively implement directly (case ignored for parameters) mypars<-c("N"=1,"Cab"=35,"Car"=20,"Canth"=15,"Cbrown"=3,"Cw"=0.01,"Cm"=0.01) prospectd(mypars)
## see ?fRTM for the typical mode of simulation ## e.g. fRTM(rho~prospectd) ## 1) get parameters defaultpars<-getDefaults(rho~prospectd) ## getDefaults("prospectd") will also work ## 2) get leaf reflectance and transmission rt<-fRTM(rho+tau~prospectd,defaultpars) ## lower-level implementation example ## Alternatively implement directly (case ignored for parameters) mypars<-c("N"=1,"Cab"=35,"Car"=20,"Canth"=15,"Cbrown"=3,"Cw"=0.01,"Cm"=0.01) prospectd(mypars)
The pure R version of foursail is included in the package as an easy way to review the code, and to check more optimized versions against. Model originally developed by Wout Verhoef.
r_foursail(rho, tau, bgr, param)
r_foursail(rho, tau, bgr, param)
rho |
input leaf reflectance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
tau |
input leaf transmittance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
bgr |
background reflectance. Usual input is soil reflectance spectra from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled) |
param |
A named vector of SAIL parameter values (note: program ignores case):
spectra matrixwith 4 reflectance factors and canopy transmission for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
1 = bi-hemispherical reflectance (rddt). White-sky albedo: the reflectance of the canopy under diffuse illumination. The BRDF integrated over all viewing and illumination directions.
2 = hemispherical directional reflectance (rsdt). Black-sky albedo: reflectance of a surface under direct light without a diffuse component. It is the integral of the BRDF over all viewing directions.
3 = directional hemispherical reflectance (rdot). Diffuse reflectance in the vieweing direction.
4 = bi-directional reflectance (rsot). The ratio of reflected radiance in the viewing direction to the incoming radiant flux in the solar direction.
5 = Canopy transmission of diffuse light through the canopy (taud).
6 = transmission of direct light through the canopy (taus).
Marco D. Visser (R implementation)
List of aliases: prospect5, prospectd, prosail5, prosaild, prosail2_55,prosail2_dd, prosail2_5d, prosail2_d5, rtm.inform5, rtm.informd
pars |
the required parameters (vector or list) |
modReq |
model request object built in fRTM |
prediction from the requested model
The SAIL BDRF function
sail_BDRF( w, lai, sumint, tsstoo, rsoil, rdd, tdd, tsd, rsd, tdo, rdo, tss, too, rsod )
sail_BDRF( w, lai, sumint, tsstoo, rsoil, rdd, tdd, tsd, rsd, tdo, rdo, tss, too, rsod )
w |
goemeric reflectance parameter |
lai |
leaf area index |
sumint |
exp int |
tsstoo |
Bi-directional gap fraction |
rsoil |
background reflectance |
rdd |
Bi-hemispherical reflectance over all in & outgoing directions (white-sky albedo). |
tdd |
Bi-hemispherical transmittance (diffuse transmittance in all directions) |
tsd |
Directional hemispherical transmittance for solar flux |
rsd |
Directional hemispherical reflectance for solar flux (diffuse solar angle) |
tdo |
Directional hemispherical transmittance (diffuse in viewing direction) |
rdo |
Directional hemispherical reflectance in viewing direction |
tss |
Direct transmittance of solar flux |
too |
Direct transmittance in viewing direction |
rsod |
Multi scattering contribution |
spectra matrixwith 4 reflectance factors and canopy transmission for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
1 = bi-hemispherical reflectance (rddt). White-sky albedo: the reflectance of the canopy under diffuse illumination. The BRDF integrated over all viewing and illumination directions.
2 = hemispherical directional reflectance (rsdt). Black-sky albedo: reflectance of a surface under direct light without a diffuse component. It is the integral of the BRDF over all viewing directions.
3 = directional hemispherical reflectance (rdot). Diffuse reflectance in the vieweing direction.
4 = bi-directional reflectance (rsot). The ratio of reflected radiance in the viewing direction to the incoming radiant flux in the solar direction.
5 = Canopy transmission of diffuse light through the canopy (taud).
6 = transmission of direct light through the canopy in the solar direction (taus).
7 = transmission of direct light through the canopy in the sensor/viewing direction (tauo).
Simple skyl atmospheric model.
skyl(rddt, rsdt, rdot, rsot, Es, Ed, tts, skyl = NULL)
skyl(rddt, rsdt, rdot, rsot, Es, Ed, tts, skyl = NULL)
rddt |
Bi-hemispherical reflectance |
rsdt |
Directional-hemispherical reflectance for solar incident flux |
rdot |
Hemispherical-directional reflectance in viewing direction |
rsot |
Bi-directional reflectance factor |
Es |
Solar flux |
Ed |
Diffuse flux |
tts |
solar angle |
skyl |
diffuse fraction, if NULL skyl is estimated using the tts (solar angle). |
The version implemented here can also include a dependence of the sun zenith angle after Danner et al. (2019) who build on recommendations from Francois et al. (2002).
a list with hemispherical and directional reflectance.
Francois, C., Ottle, C., Olioso, A., Prevot, L., Bruguier, N., Ducros, Y.(2002). Conversion of 400-1100 nm vegetation albedo measurements into total shortwave broadband albedo using a canopy radiative transfer model. Agronomie 22, 611-618.
Danner M, Berger K, Wocher M, Mauser W, Hank T. Fitted PROSAIL Parameterization of Leaf Inclinations, Water Content and Brown Pigment Content for Winter Wheat and Maize Canopies. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(10):1150.
data(solar) rt<-fRTM(rho~prospect5+foursail) skyl(rt[,"rddt"],rt[,"rsdt"],rt[,"rdot"],rt[,"rsot"], Es=solar[,1],Ed=solar[,2],tts=45,skyl=NULL)
data(solar) rt<-fRTM(rho~prospect5+foursail) skyl(rt[,"rddt"],rt[,"rsdt"],rt[,"rdot"],rt[,"rsot"], Es=solar[,1],Ed=solar[,2],tts=45,skyl=NULL)
soil reflectance
1 = wet soil
2 = dry soil
Feret et al. (2008), PROSPECT-4 and 5: Advances in the Leaf Optical Properties Model Separating Photosynthetic Pigments, Remote Sensing of Environment
direct and diffuse light
1 = direct light
2 = diffuse light
Feret et al. (2008), PROSPECT-4 and 5: Advances in the Leaf Optical Properties Model Separating Photosynthetic Pigments, Remote Sensing of Environment
RTM inversion summary
## S3 method for class 'rtm.inversion' summary(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rtm.inversion' summary(x, ...)
x |
predictions from an RTM |
... |
additional plot arguments |
summarizes the inverted parameters